Saturday, February 5, 2022

Reading and Writing Binary files in Systemverilog

Reading a binary file in SystemVerilog might be required occasionally. I have tried to capture some basic information as a guide for someone starting out. 

Comments are embedded in the code: 

Similarly an example for writing a binary file

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Parsing file in systemverilog

We often need to read file generated by tools and use the data in systemverilog task/function to decide pass or fail for many verification tasks.

Systemverilog is not a language that is built for text parsing but it does provide some basic system functions to play with. Key is to read the data which is simple and easy to parse. one way is to pre process the data in external perl script which then be read by systemverilog.

Here is the sample file where the real numbers at the end of the file are to be extracted and result to be used in the task:

Below system tasks are used
$fopen()   Open file for reading
$feof()      Identify end of file
$fgets()    read the line from file
$fscanf() parse a line

Sample Systemverilog Task for parsing :

A snippet of task result:

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Least Recently Used(LRU) algorithm implementation in Hardware

LRU algorithm is one of the most commonly used cache page replacement algorithms. It’s often easy to imagine the implementation of LRU using linked list structure in software but hardware implementation could be tricky and requires some thoughtful analysis. Here I have made an attempt to put together steps of matrix method of LRU implementation in Hardware which could eventually be translated to code in Verilog or VHDL

Matrix implementation requires n*n matrix for n location cache i.e 4*4 memory(16 Flipflops) for 4 location cache. The algorithm should track all the locations as it gets updated and should output the least recently used location (or index of cache).
Let’s start with simple 4 location cache and then generalize the solution for n location cache.

4 location cache with each location of 8 bits:
4 * 4 matrix to store the history and help calculate the least recently used location in cache
Total of 16 Flipflops for 4 location cache 

We would save the information of relative age of each location with respect to other
Say    A > B   =>  A is older than B
          A > C   => A is older than C

Let’s represent this in the matrix as below:

Diagonal is always 1 as it tries to compare same elements like A vs A, B vs B etc
Also it’s easy to see that A is older than B  =  ! (B is older than A)
(A > B) =  !(B>A)
With the above logic, matrix would look like below:

It’s easy to see that left half of matrix across diagonal is exactly opposite to right half.

Right half of the matrix would entirely be enough to get the age relation between cache locations

1) Initialize the matrix to any known value. Say D > C > B > A
     i.e, D is the oldest and A is newest location
Note that diagonal value is always one

2) If location I is accessed then row I is set to zero and column I is set to one except for diagonal. 
     Update the matrix every time cache is accessed

3) Oldest location will be the location for which 'AND' of each column is equal to 1
     i.e,  &[columns of location]==1

It’s turns out to be true to D as all of its columns has 1

Let’s take an example and see if this works
Say order of access of cache is C,B,D,A รจ oldest location at the end of this should be C

a) Initialization to D > C > B > A

    b) C is accessed  => C is the most recent. Change all of c rows to zeros and columns to one

All of D columns are one and D should be the oldest at this point of time.
From above matrix, we can also derive that
 A > B = 0 , A > C =1, A > D = 0 , B > C =1 , B > D = 0 , C > D = 0 
   => C < A < B < D

    c) B is accessed. i.e, C followed by B. Change all B rows to zeros and B columns to ones
   New matrix would be as below:

D is the oldest as all of it’s columns are 1

    d) D is accessed. C followed by B followed by D. Change all B rows to zero and B columns to one
  New matrix:

A is the oldest and least recently used

     e) A is accessed. i.e, C followed by B followed by D followed by A
C column is all one and hence the oldest as expected

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Avoiding race around in Assertions

I have been coding assertions a lot recently to verify certain functionality at SOC/block level. I ended up with some false failures in regressions mainly due to Systemverilog race around and I could not find good online guidelines to avoid such conditions. After researching, I am putting up some learnings here and many of these directions are directly coming from CummingsSNUG2006Boston_SystemVerilog_Events paper.

Broadly assertions can be classified into 2 categories
  1. Concurrent Assertions – describes logic behavior of signals that spans over time
  2. Immediate Assertions – describes logic behavior of signals at an instant of time
Understanding SystemVerilog Scheduling semantics is crucial to understand simulation induced Race around conditions. I am summarizing some important aspects below:

Simulators simulate the Testbench based on IEEE Scheduling Semantics of SystemVerilog. A single and smallest timeslot can be visualized to have many regions as shown below 
Event Regions Diagram in SV(Picture taken from CummingsSNUG2006Boston_SystemVerilog_Events Paper)

Each of the regions(like preponed, active, observed, reactive) is associated with specific functionality.

Assertions are passive and they do not drive any stimulus into the design. If proper coding guidelines for RTL/Testbench are followed, we should not see any race around conditions.

Race around in Concurrent Assertions

All the signals in concurrent assertions are sampled in the preponed region before the clocking event. Values do not change in the preponed region(Read-only region) and hence sampled values of signals do not change during that particular time step of evaluation(in the observed region) multiple times. Hence if RTL/Testbench guidelines are followed, there is no special care to be taken while writing concurrent assertions as it is inherently protected.

Also, note that if ‘event.triggered’ is used in assertion then the current value(during that timestep) of the event is used for evaluation in the observed region. ‘triggered’ is a property of an event – evaluation do not happen until the statement is executed. If the event is getting updated in active region then triggered property will be a new value when evaluated in the observed region

Race around in Immediate Assertions

Simple immediate assertions are part of sequential statements (Ex part of ‘always’ construct) and their sampling & triggering depends on where they get executed.

If you observe the Event region, certain signals may get evaluated twice or more depending on when/if the value gets updated and hence might result in simulator seeing 2 or more values in one single time step although one values eventually settles. This could be one source of a possible misfire of immediate assertion. Signal value getting updated twice in a single step and during these scenarios $display prints 2 values of the same variable while $monitor/$strobe which executes in Postponed region prints only one value.

Looking at the possibility of assertions action block triggering twice or more than in immediate assertion, Systemverilog committee came up with a "final" deferred assertion to execute in the "postponed" region which is the last region before advancing time and all the values are settled to their final value. 

There 2 kinds of deferred assertions in SystemVerilog

1.  Observed deferred assertion –
·         Evaluation of immediate assertion is postponed to observed region.
·         Problem of glitch still exists if one decides to use program block which might      trigger loop back from reactive to active and multiple execution
·         Use #0 after assert keyword

assert_check: assert #0 (cs == 2'b00 && enable==1’b1) else $error ("cs and enable are in wrong combination");

2. Final deferred assertion
·         Evaluation of immediate assertion is postponed to postponed region
·         Works for all kinds of situation and most recommended
·         Use final keyword after assert keyword
assert_check: assert final (cs == 2'b00 && enable==1’b1) else $error ("cs and enable are in wrong combination");

Friday, June 22, 2018

Binding in Systemverilog

Assertions are written both by design engineers and verification engineers depending on what is being checked and wherein the design hierarchy. If Assertions reside inside design modules which are going to be synthesized then these assertions which solely meant for checking/verification have to be enclosed inside compilation directives like ifdef so they can be hidden from Synthesis tools. As an alternative, Systemverilog provides bind feature which allows specific modules which contain all the assertions to be bound during elaboration. This feature essentially instantiates assertion module inside design module and all the assertions behave as if they reside inside the design. This enables engineers to keep verification code separate from design code.

bind <target RTL module> [:<name of the target instances>] <assertion module> <binding instance name> (<port list>);

[<name of target instance>] is optional. If nothing is specified, binding is done on all the target RTL module instances

<assertion module> is the module which contains all the assertion code.

<port list> is the port connections from target RTL module to assertion module.

Assertion module is like any other module. Keep below points in mind:

  • Define all the inputs required for assertions as input ports.
  • No outputs from assertion module as it is strictly not for driving anything into the design
  • Input Port names can be name. If you decide to keep the same port names as the net name of target design module then you while binding .* would automap the connections. Connect by name if the input port name is different from the net in the target design module
  • If any internal probes from instances below target design module are required for the assertion then same can be made as input to the assertion module and passed as an argument while making assign hierarchical probing at the target module. This should be avoided for any synthesizable block and usage is mostly intended for bmod assertions which requires internal probing
Binding to all modules with name module_name:
bind module_name inst2_assert inst2a(.mode(mode_value),

Binding to the specific instance with name inst2 (Instance binding):
bind module_name:inst2 inst2_assert inst2a(.mode(mode_value),
